Blogchatter A2Z 2024

Dear (M)other

I remember
When it came to putting us in school
How you were adamant on an English Medium education
I hope
You see, know, and understand, how much that has impacted our lives

I remember
When it came to taking care of me
How you quit your much-beloved job to look after your newly born baby
I hope
You don’t regret that decision, and that I proved worthy of that attention

I remember
When it came to my academic performances
How you didn’t tire of singing praises when I passed with flying colours but never questioned when I didn’t perform to my full-potential,
I hope
You don’t still feel that I’m not giving my best in work, life, or otherwise and aren’t keeping that kind of disappointment, if any, to yourself

I remember
When I was unhappy at my job
How you encouraged me to explore other arenas and look for work that would not just be a source of paycheck
I hope
You realize how that has changed the course of my life entirely, and for the better

I remember
The umpteen times I was lost
How you seemed to know just how to provide a solution, or improve my mood
I hope
You know, you’re not just a mother anymore, but a friend I rely on, for almost everything

And… the saga continues… with remembrances in the making… everyday

A daughter who is always learning from you
A daughter who knows words will never be enough


I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z and this is my thirteenth post for the month long challenge corresponding to the alphabet ‘M’. Check out my theme reveal to know more.

Catch the posts corresponding to other alphabets: ABCDEFGHIJK,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z.

Stay tuned for my next post, corresponding to the alphabet ‘N’, coming up tomorrow.

Thank you for reading.

To know more about me, you can:

24 thoughts on “Dear (M)other”

  1. You have beautifully captured the profound impact a mother’s love, guidance, and sacrifices have on her child’s life. It’s a touching reminder of mothers’ invaluable role in shaping their children’s paths and providing unwavering support. Truly heartwarming to read.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It was moving because it avoided sounding stereotypical.

    The umpteen times I was lost
    How you seemed to know just how to provide a solution, or improve my mood

    Being with mother itself is a significant mental uplift. She can guide us through thorny path, as she travelled herself already. My regard

    Liked by 1 person

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