Blogchatter A2Z 2023

Dear (Q)uilt

Goosebumps, blood, sweat and tears
You’ve witnessed all of my worst
I’ve clung to you and used you as my shield
More than any human
You know me and are familiar with my body and moods
Better than anyone
So you’re well aware that
If there’s one thing I absolutely cannot stand
If there’s something makes me Miss Chirpy to Miss Grumpy in minutes, if not seconds
It’s the drop in temperature
The atmospheric degree, determines everything about and around me, from vein to routine
In such a scenario,
I don’t know how I’d pass my day without you
I don’t know how my mercurial self would be able to handle it all
I don’t know what I’d do to fight the chill, both external and internal

So, thank you
My dear quilt
For giving me warmth on days when the cold got unbearable
For making me and the climate, ‘bearable’
For those cozy days and nights that made my least favorite seasons, livable
For being not only my cover but also my desk, when I was lazy or unmotivated to move from the couch or bed, and use an actual table
For acting as my friend and family, being true to your name of ‘comforter’


I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z and this is my seventeenth post for the month long challenge corresponding to the alphabet ‘Q’. Check out my theme reveal to know more.

Catch the posts corresponding to other alphabets: ABCDEFGHIJK,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z.

Stay tuned for my next post, corresponding to the alphabet ‘R’, coming up tomorrow.

Thank you for reading.

To know more about me, you can:

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