
It’s All About Her

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How is it
That we walked down the same aisle
But I came alone
And no one batted an eyelid

But when she came
There was a procession,
Everyone’s breaths hitched
I felt a slight twitch of jealousy
At all the grandeur
It was my day too after all
And then…
I saw her

The radiant smile
The waving out to the guests
The little dance she did, because why not?

We wore the same colours
Yet she looked better
Better than I’d ever seen her before
More beautiful than I’d ever had time to notice

That’s when I realised
No, today isn’t about both of us
It’s all about her
And always will be
And I didn’t mind anymore
My envy was replaced by fulfillment
That I was the one making her feel and look this way
That I was the reason behind her radiance

And I swore there and then
To always be that source
To always keep that radiance intact
To always make her feel this important


This poem is written in response to text prompt number fifteen in
The Poetry Marathon: “Write a poem about an experience, but from the perspective of another. For example you could write a poem about your wedding from the experience of your spouse, or you could write a poem about an argument with a stranger from the perspective of the stranger.

Note: This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2023

Thank you for reading.

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