Blogchatter Blog Hop, Poems

I’m Here Now, But Not There Yet

A sense of fulfillment
A rare occasion when
The mind, body and soul are, all in contentment

A lot of validation,
From world,
From the self

An abundance of satisfaction
At having achieved that thing
You’d worked so hard for, for so long

It lasts a few moments, days, maybe some weeks or months
But then come the questions and doubts
What to do now? Is it all over? Where do I go from here?

You might feel lost for a while
Not having a purpose
Having nothing to do

Hopefully sooner, and sometimes later
You come to realize
What’s life like after achieving a goal

It doesn’t stop, just like time
You gotta carry on
With something bigger, better, more challenging

One goal after another
Just like one moment to the next,
And from today to tomorrow

You need to remind yourself
I’m here now
But I’m not there yet

The ‘there’ could be
Something that keeps you going, anything that gives your life, a purpose
Just another, and a new goal


This post is a part of Blogchatter Blog Hop. It is in response to the weekly prompts for 4th-10th June and I chose the prompt ‘Life after achieving a goal’

Thank you for reading.

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2 thoughts on “I’m Here Now, But Not There Yet”

  1. Life is full of goals, small and big, and we are never going to rest. I actually felt this once I started earning through my blog. The passion keeps burning inside but the urge to be at it consistently subsides.

    Now, we search another reason to keep us excited.

    Liked by 1 person

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